21 Mar What Do You Want To Do When You Grow Up?
One of the most common questions asked during our school years is “so what do you want do to when you grow up?”
This concept of knowing exactly what we want to do in our adult life can be daunting for adults, so imagine the stress, frustration and fear that young people feel during their school years when this inevitable question is asked.
In the Links 2 Learning program, students work towards developing strong skills that help them overcome this fear and instead learn to set realistic goals that helps them be able to confidently answer questions about what they might want to do in their future. The program guides students to realise the importance of having goals, understanding that these can change over time and pathways that can help them get there.
Being able to encourage and support young people to determine their own personal goals is a brilliant feeling and observing the students journey over the course of the program as their goals evolve and change is a powerful reminder of the importance of programs like Links 2 Learning.
And as a gentle reminder to all of us as we sometimes settle into our comfort zones –
“A goal should scare you a little and excite you A LOT”