Business Advisor / 03.10.2022

Leadership, team building and mentoring Strategic planning and implementation Business planning Business development and sales Business restructuring and continuous improvement Greg’s Business experience extends over 30 years across small businesses, not-for-profit, national and Multinational Companies.This experience includes being on several boards of directors, including NFP, thus ensuring capability through all...

Business Advisor / 02.10.2022

Sales & Marketing Wholesale & Retail Distribution Financials, MYOB & Xero Information Technology Process Improvement & Operations Peita is a Sales and Marketing specialist with over 25 years of experience in Australia and SE Asia. She has assisted and motivated hundreds of small businesses and large organisations to grow, adapt...

Business Advisor / 02.10.2022

Tourism Product development and Training Tourism Marketing and distribution assistance Marketing and sale strategies – general Communication strategy – general Business development and diversification Karen is a highly skilled tourism and marketing professional with over 25 years of experience. She has worked in the public...

Business Advisor, Case Studies / 30.09.2022

Canva Design for Business Branding  Social Media and Marketing Strategy  Facebook/Instagram Paid Advertising Customer Databases and Email Direct Marketing Concise Business Writing focused on Unique Selling Points   Fiona Latham-Cannon holds a Bachelor of Business (Marketing) with more than 40 years of business experience spanning 5 different industries. Over 30 years,...

Business Advisor, Case Studies / 29.09.2022

Health Care & Social Assistance Retail Trade Education & Training Lisa has 30 years of business expertise via developing, building, and operating four businesses across the sectors of IT, healthcare, retail/rental, and events. Additionally, she has 35+ years of retail experience, 30+ years of staff management and training,...

Business Advisor / 29.09.2022

Financial & Insurance Services (financial planning, mortgage broking, business financials) Franchising Consultancy (business / property / leadership / management) Accommodation & Food Services Darren Laudenbach's experience extends over 30 years in various businesses.This includes start-ups, franchises, business succession, sales and purchases.  It includes 28 years in financial consulting, coaching,...

Business Advisor / 28.09.2022

International Trade Manufacturing Innovation Facilitation Executive Coaching Anton is an experienced leader and business developer focusing on manufacturing, new business development, international trade and engagement, exporting, and importing. In addition, he has extensive experience owning and developing businesses across various sectors, including manufacturing, retail, healthcare,...

Business Advisor / 28.09.2022

Business planning, budgeting, cash flow management Benchmarking, pricing, and costing for profitability Continuous Improvement  Debt management  Operations, Manufacturing, Hospitality Court is a qualified small business financial counsellor with over 20 years of management experience, including 9 years at the senior management level within the food manufacturing industry in New Zealand...