/ 11.08.2023

Enterprise Plus, in conjunction with Yass Valley Council, and as part of the NSW Business Connect Program, is offering businesses in Yass Valley and surrounds free business Health Checks and advice. A Business Connect Advisor is available between 9:30 am – 2:30pm on Friday 1st September at Yass Valley Information Centre, 259 Comur Street, Yass...

/ 11.08.2023

You have heard the phrase in relation to a key determinant for small business success “cash is King.” This webinar helps you understand why. The research is very clear - the more frequently a business owner reviews accurate financial reports and makes informed decisions the...

/ 11.08.2023

Does your business need to develop B2B relationships with potential clients so they will buy your products or services? This sales webinar outlines the fundamental principles of developing sales relationships with B2B clients. Many business owners and staff are unsure about what is a best...

/ 11.08.2023

Enterprise Plus, with thirty years' experience delivering business advisory programs, recognises the significant role women carry out in business. We also recognise the challenges specifically impacting women including trying to achieve a healthy and sustainable worklife balance. Our advisors are aware that if a couple is...

/ 11.08.2023

As a business owner employing staff you are entitled to have an expected level of productive output. When things are going well owning a business and leading your team can bring a lot of joy. Seeing staff members grow in their roles, achieve goals, and work...

/ 11.08.2023

When was the last time you reviewed the prices for products or services in your business? Are you confident that you correctly identified all actual costs before setting the price? One of the best ways to achieve profit in your business is to review your...

/ 11.08.2023

Delivered in easy-to-understand language you will learn how to read, interpret, and use your Balance Sheet and Profit & Loss to manage and maximise the performance and overall health of your business. You will also gain insight on the need to plan and project, to budget...

/ 11.08.2023

The National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) is an opportunity for businesses to provide products and services. Learn how to price your products or services for the NDIS and gain an understanding of how the NDIS Provider Finder tool and myplace provider portal will assist your business. Learning...