

Stay tuned with what’s happening at the Enterprise Plus.

For more news on Business and Education related happenings within the Enterprise Plus, as well as staff profiles, tips & tricks, and more… sign up to our monthly Enterprise Plus Newsletter or check back regularly to see it all displayed right here on our Enterprise Plus News Page.

Don’t forget to check out our gallery of photos collected from our journeys across the southern region.

Collective Catalysts – Business Profile

Assisted by business advisor by Peita Charman   Collective Catalysts business owner Kachina has a long history...

Meet our longest tenant from Business Hub Wagga Wagga

Geoff Reardon from Industry Capability Network (ICN) moved into Enterprise Plus Business Hub Wagga Wagga in August 2021.Geoff is Regional Manager...

Service NSW Streamlines Access to Business Connect Advisory Program & Events

The Service NSW Business Connect program has relocated to the Service NSW Business Bureau website.  To...

Annual Reminder For All Australians to Stay Cyber Wise

“Be cyber wise – don’t compromise”.Cybercrime reports are increasing with one cybercrime reported to the...

New Tenants at Albury Business Hub

We welcomed new Tenants Jasmine Xaba and Renee Dunn from Riverina Medical and Dental Aboriginal Corporation (RivMed) to Enterprise Plus Business Hub...

Ability Advocates Business & Book Launch Event Parramatta

Enterprise Plus Business Advisor, Court Sayer-Roberts attended the official launch of Social Enterprise Ability Advocates and the debut...

Youth Futures – Education Team

Under the Work Placement Program, Enterprise Plus have been pairing senior high school students with local...

Have you heard about the Regional Tech Hub?

The Regional Tech Hub was established in response to findings from the 2018 Regional Telecommunications Review’s and...

Meet The Team – Edwin Smith

Edwin Smith is one of our Business Advisor with the Business Connect Program covering Kiama...

Proving the Sky’s No Limit

Assisted by Business Advisor Colin Target Paul Moonie, CEO of Halocell Energy - a solar...