21 Mar Get to know: Robyn Simon
Robyn is a Digital Business Advisor
Robyn has more than 20 years’ experience working with start-ups and established businesses in the retail, tourism, manufacturing and creative industries. She is an avid studier of key trends (local, national and global) and describes herself as a “solutions architect” who loves exploring innovative ways to help her clients market their products and services, especially through social media. Robyn works alongside small business operators in the Northern NSW area from Coffs Harbour to Tweed Heads, both on a one on one basis and through the delivery of digital workshops.
Who is your hero, and why?
I have loads of heroes, but I have to say my husband would be up there. He is considerate and caring with an amazing sense of humour. He has mentored me through any and every challenge, or should I say .. humoured. We laugh all the time.
Tell us your earliest childhood memory.
My fourth birthday when mum and dad bought me the cutest wee gingham dress with red stitched smocking on the front. They got me cherry red shoes to match.
How did your favourite teacher impact you? (Can be a school, university or other teacher)
I had an amazing art teacher at High School who really taught us how to appreciate the world of art. He had a particular passion for French painters and drove a Citroen. We all thought he was pretty cool. It so happens I am very passionate about all things French, including French art and cars.