14 Jan CRJO are helping businesses cut back on waste!
Can better waste management save you money? And free up mental space to focus on your business? There is no need to research all the details yourself. The Canberra Region Joint Organisation (CJRO) can help you assess your waste footprint, particularly if you are a food business. They have multiple programs running to help you find business efficiencies by looking through the ‘waste lens’:
- Get a Bin Trim assessment, or
- Learn how to carry out your own waste self-assessment.
- Let them know if you’re interested in workshops on managing food waste (coming in 2025).
On the other hand, you can help us too. We’re always on the lookout for case studies. If you are doing something interesting with waste or resource recovery then we would love to hear about it. Their job at CRJO is to share best practice whenever we come across it. Managing waste better in the future may involve a collaborative approach with shared services or establishing new business partnerships. And one business’s waste or offcuts can sometimes be just the right raw material for a new activity elsewhere. We can help make those linkages.
The CJRO works across 10 local government areas in SouthEast NSW. Their Waste programs are brought to you by the NSW Environment Protection Authority.
Canberra Region Joint Organisation (CJRO) can help you find efficiencies in waste.